Meg Salter

light and shadow side

Owning Your Shadow Side

Leaders who want coaching are successful, smart people. So why do I insist that we approach their dark or shadow side? Because that’s where the gold is.

Leaders want coaching for a variety of reasons. They may have been promoted to a new role and want some new tips and tricks. They may have had feedback on watch-outs and want to learn new ways to deal with that. Or they may have experienced a perfect storm situation, where a combination of external circumstances and their own personality triggered an unexpected blow-up or undesirable behaviour.

Read more Owning Your Shadow Side

Raven coaxes you into powerful communication

Four Factors of Powerful Communication

Communication is a challenge at every level of leadership. Powerful communication can be learned, if you build your capacities for personal authenticity, relational connection, behavioural agility and context management.

Communication Can Make Us Cower

We’ve been travelling in Haida Gwaii, a beautiful archipelago of islands off the northern coast of British Columbia.  Rose Spit, at the very northern end, appears desolate, but is full of life, if you know where to look. I was moved here by the archetypal creation story of the Haida people,

Read more Four Factors of Powerful Communication

Transition Phase of Change

What Phase of Change Are You In?

Knowing what phase of change you are in can help you normalize it. If you can recognize the signposts and relax into it, to your current phase will go smoother. Maybe even faster. And you’ll have valuable practice for the next time!

This beautiful picture reminds me that spring is on its way. The northern sun is strong enough to melt the snow, but only for a few hours each day before the freeze-thaw cycle resumes.

Several client conversations have reminded me of the basic phases of change.

Read more What Phase of Change Are You In?

Feminine Wisdom of Day by Day Awakening

My friend, the new mother of a bouncing little boy, is struggling to re-find her centre. While he is thriving, she is exhausted from lack of sleep, redefining her relationships and work, disoriented by the sudden dropping away of her self-identity. As we are both meditators and mothers, a feminine wisdom voice erupted. “Just think of new mothering as a deep dive into No-Self.”

This really helped, changing her narrative from one of personal struggle and failure to adapt to the universal human journey of navigating unpredictability,

Read more Feminine Wisdom of Day by Day Awakening

Deliver On Your Positive Change

I don’t know a single leader who goes to work with a deliberately bad intention.  Yet too often we get derailed from delivering on positive change. Whether it’s too many demands, too many conflicting points of view, or limited capacities to actually deliver, it can be stressful to find ourselves stymied, our reach bigger than our grasp.

I had a great time exploring the relationship between positive change and mindfulness on a recent podcast with colleague Robyn Stratton-Berkessel of Positivity Strategist.

Read more Deliver On Your Positive Change